.. / Contribute


Each WinProc entry is defined in a file in the _winprocs/ folder named as <windows process name>.md, such file consists only of a YAML front matter which describes the entry and its characteristics.

The full syntax is the following:

description: Optional description of the entry
    description: Optional description of the example
    short: 1
    long: One or more
    description: Optional description of the example
    short: services.exe
    long: %SystemRoot%\System32\services.exe

Where CHARACTERISTIC is one of the values described in the _data/characteristics.yml file.

Feel free to use any file in the _winprocs/ folder as an example.

Pull request process

Missed or new Windows processes PR are welcomed. Non-Windows related processes are subject of public discussion and will be merged if it proves its rationale.

Pull requests adding new characteristics in _data/characteristics.yml are allowed and subjected to project maintainers vetting.